AFSA Night has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 18th

Due to the continued spread of illness among staff and students across the district, Friday will be a student holiday and teacher workday. Staff will report to campus from 8:00-12:00. The custodial staff will continue sanitzing procedures. Athletics games will continue as normal. Classes will continue as normal on Monday, 2/10.

Best Practices for Returning to Work or School after an Illness

Due to the high number of illnesses for staff and students across the district, we will be designating Tuesday and Wednesday this week as student holidays. SCISD will take this time to deep clean and sanitize all buildings and equipment. School will resume on Thursday, February 6, 2025. With this change in the schedule, Thursday, April 17, 2025 will become a regular school day.


Respiratory Virus Guidance

Tennis meeting for EHS/EMS students and Parents



Roads are clear and the temperatures are higher than expected. We will have a 10 am start. Dress warm and have a great day.

Due to all the moisture and the high chance of icy roads in the early morning, SCISD will start at 10:00 on Friday. Busses will run 2 hours late. Bells will be on a BAD WEATHER schedule with a 3:00 release. Mr. Aguero will be out on the roads in the morning and will let you know around 7 if plans change. Plan on a 10:00 am start unless we announce differently.
Thank you and keep warm.

Thurs. 9th menu in the cafeteria has changed:

As of now, SCISD will start school at 10:00 am on Thursday Jan 9th and busses will run two hours late. We will make a decision later this evening whether we have school or not but at this time plan on a 10:00 start. Please watch social media and our website @scisd.net for further information.

SCISD is keeping an eye on the upcoming weather. We will keep you informed of any decision SCISD makes regarding the start of school on January 9th



The Elementary UIL meet is TOMORROW in Ozona. A note was sent home yesterday, but please see the picture below as a reminder. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE ALLOWED! The students will need to bring their study materials and library books.

Eldorado Elementary PTO is hosting a sock drive to donate new socks to area shelters in need. Please have your students bring NEW socks to their home rooms.